Owen A. Barfield

Owen A. Barfield is the only grandchild of the "First and Last Inkling" Owen Barfield (1898 – 1997). He was 28 when his Grandfather passed away, and became the trustee of the Owen Barfield Literary Estate in 2006. The Barfield Press was started as the publishing arm of the Literary Estate. A new collection of Barfield essays and a new illustrated edition of The Silver Trumpet are due out this year, with more to come.

Research material is in the archive of the Owen Barfield Papers at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford (Owen’s permission is needed to view). Additional Barfield archival papers are also available in the Wade Collection, Wheaton IL and at Azusa Pacific University Library, near Los Angeles USA. The website www.owenbarfield.org carries much freely available material, some never before published.

Owen currently lives in Oxfordshire, England with his wife and daughters. He is a member of the Anthroposophical Society of Great Britain. His interests include oil-painting, herbalism and healing. On the Spanish island of Mallorca he is working to establish an experiential and retreat centre.

Letzte Änderung: 17.04.2023 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster